Our team have extensive experience in dealing with wholesale distribution businesses since 1985.
We supply and support leading international accounting systems to 'mission critical' wholesale distribution businesses with sophisticated order entry and stock control requirements providing 'templated' business solutions based on our experience working with similar businesses.
High profile installations include Trade Aid Importers who import, distribute to wholesale businesses and their own chain of stores and carry out integrated online web sales.
Features include:
- Public and web site catalogue integration for both public and trade sales
- Sophisticated customer product price matrices
- Controls sales representative mobile sales entry via phone, tablet or net-book
- Online public website integration for both trade and retail sales from centralised warehouse
- Supplier electronic data interchange (EDI) purchasing and invoices
- Customer Relationship Management tools
- Multi-branch serial and batch cost tracking inventory systems
- Automated management exception reporting daily, weekly and monthly emails
- On disk and emailed reporting removes the need to print reports
- Data integrity and backups are constantly monitored